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Why Are They Buying? | S6 E 29


We saw extremely rangebound prices in crude this week, with the September Brent futures contract hovering between $84/bbl and $85/bbl. The team discuss the nature of the oil market, what's going on with Dated Brent, volatility, US jet fuel demand, and the upcoming US election debate. Not to mention, Jorge "The Regulator" weighs in on the current state of benchmarks and conspiracy theories. Refinery margins have been relatively rangebound, although a weakened crude flat price supported margins this past week. In contrast to previous weeks' performances, the distillates market was lacklustre. Meanwhile, gasoline saw better support on stronger demand indicators. Although refinery margins were not the driver for the recent strength in Dated Brent, this may have spurred some refiners who were originally waiting for lower prices to now make last-minute cargo purchases. We discuss these trade ideas in detail...

High Sulfur, Higher Prices


Eastern High sulfur fuel oil prices soared in April. The Asian HSFO market saw strong buying in the 380 spreads and East/West differential, pushing the Jun 380 E/W from $5.25/mt on April 10 to over $25/mt by May 17. But with growing sell-side resistance, can this rally keep going? Mita Chaturvedi takes a closer look at what's driving high sulfur fuel oil prices in our latest Onyx Institute article.

Panic at the Visco


Can fuel oil handle the heat this week? Vincent Wu investigates.